Welcome to PurrCozi Sphynx! My name is Hope and along side my husband we raise the sweetest and most unique Sphynx, Elf, Bambino and Dwelf kittens!
What Made us want to raise Sphynx?
I have always loved cats ever since I was little! I don't remember a time in my life where I didn't have a kitty to snuggle with. My mother raised Ragdoll kittens and I helped along side her for almost 10 years! I absolutey loved every single part of it! From the cute pregnant mama cats to the birthing and raising the kittens and seeing each of their unique personalties! It was such a unique and fun experience. I knew that I always wanted that to be a part of my life! Once I got married my husband and I got our first TICA registered Sphynx. Sphynx have always been a dream of mine. I love the unique and oddness about them! I had read millions of articles since I was litte and would always watch Cats101 on Animal planet and just ended up falling in love with the Sphynx breed! They are truly the most amazing and sweetest cat breed! This breed made my husband who wasn't really a cat person into the best kitty dad ever!
About Our Sphynx!
Our Sphynx are all raised in home with us (which for safety is why we do not allow home visits). They are all extremely spoiled! If you view our adult cat page you can find pictures of all our babies and their personalities! Our kitties come from all over the world! Miss Gamora and Miss Nebula are full sisters from different litters and they came from a breeder in Arizona! Miss Ava came from Tennesse! Mr Matteo and Miss Dottie are Russian Imports!! Mr Matto is an odd eyed white grand champion who is the biggest sweetheart! He also carries dilute and chocolate! Our Kitties are all TICA registered. Each one of our Sphynx (Elf and Bambino) have been HCM tested (yearly), FIV/FeLv and are negative! We also do a DNA panel on each one of our breeding cats to find out their blood type and what they carry. Our Kitties are extremely well cared for and are so so loved by us and their furry canine sister.
We pride ourselves in raising the absolute sweetest, healthiest and most unique sphynx kittens. All of our kittens come home up to date on vaccines and have been very socialized and used to normal household things like children, the vacuum, baths and dogs. We also have a kitten health guarentee and contract to ensure peace of mind to all our kitty buyers. We will always try to accomidate our kitty buyers and give them all the help and information they need for their new kitten.
There is just a little glimspe into PurrCozi Sphynx! Thank you so much for taking the time to read about us! We will be uploading more Sphynx care info and will be continuing to Blog every week!
With much love,
PurrCozi Sphynx
